San Vicente de la Barquera, Spain, June 5, 2024

Golf Santa Marina and the courage to go electric

“The collaboration with Kress has proven to be the ideal solution, taking turf maintenance to a new level of excellence.” Mariano Saiz, Santa Marina director

Golf Santa Marina, one of Spain’s most prestigious golf courses, has always been a leader in adopting innovative technologies to maintain its course in perfect condition. They tried two different brands of robotic lawn mowers, but were never satisfied with the results.

“The collaboration with Kress has proven to be the ideal solution, taking turf maintenance to a new level of excellence.” Mariano Saiz, Santa Marina director

The true revolution came with Kress. Introducing three Kress robotic lawn mowers for evaluation, Santa Marina immediately noticed exceptional performance, precision, and efficiency. The results were so impressive that a fourth Kress robot was soon added, solidifying their trust in the brand.